Our facility revolves around No-Gi Jiu-Jitsu and Grappling, Our large facility , mat space and giant schedule are here to only help you be the best you can be at the sport of grappling.
For Members only we have special pricing for one on one strength training schedule Monday-Friday to help you be a competitive athlete.
3-4X Sessions Per week 1 athlete scheduled of your choosing $250 Monthly
3-4x Sessions Per week coach scheduled with a second athlete (partner provided) $125 Monthly
These prices are specifically for members of them gym and are an absolute steal to help supplement you in becoming stronger and more athletic to be more competitive on the mat.
strength training at 10P St. Pete

For athletes, performance and the prevention of injury–not aesthetics–should be the motivation for strength training, since a nice-looking physique will come as a by-product of hard work. With this being said, it’s upsetting to see how many athletes still refer to the popular body-building magazines for their strength training advice. Strength training for athletic performance needs to be purpose-driven, and that purpose depends upon the needs of the sport, not the desire for a particular body part to look a certain way.